We are a community of professionals, community leaders, emerging leaders, and influencers with a passion for building holistic and stronger peace architecture through strengthening the capacity of its members and every interested member of the society who interacts with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures to ensure community resilience, sustainable peace, and development.
They are free to participate in CPP Arena weekly training and discussion sessions without certification.
These are financial members and enjoy all benefits of membership including Certificate of Membership, listing on CPP website, participating in policy making and project implementation.
This category are students undergoing CPP Professional training program and students of tertiary institutions, they have all benefits of Members but are supervised by Members and Fellows.
Every member can scale up to become a CPP Fellow as well as interested members of the public who have adequate track records, qualifications, and contributions to sustainable peace. Fellows are consulted on key matters.
These are people with outstanding contributions to sustainable peace, peace education, publications, and remarkable contributions to CPP.
for building holistic and stronger peace architecture through strengthening the capacity of its members and every interested member of the society.
We help sustain harmonious and peaceful communities where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, understanding, and collaboration rather than violence.
The mission of Community Peace Practitioners (CPP) is to promote peaceful coexistence for sustainable development, peace education, and conflict-sensitive societal resilience ensuring the well-being of all community members is prioritized.
This is my testimony about the company and that is where I want to confirm
This is my testimony about the company and that is where I want to confirm
This is my testimony about the company and that is where I want to confirm